Private Health Care for Type 2 Diabetic
I am a 62 year old type 2 diabetic trying to get Private Health cover in Tenerife. I control my diabetes through diet and tablets. Any recommendations? Thanks in advance.
Posted: Thu Apr 22, 2021 7:46pm
If you ring health service uk & ask for a S1 form to transfere your health care to TFS that should be ok.
Lee wrote on Thu Apr 22, 2021 7:46pm:
If you ring health service uk & ask for a S1 form to transfere your health care to TFS that should be ok.
Hi Lee thanks for this but I only intend to stay in Tenerife for 180 days a year so will not transfer away from the NHS. Looks like I have found some companies that will insure me. But at a cost!!
Posted: Wed Apr 28, 2021 10:16am
Dear Alan,
My name is Laura and I work for a private health insurance. My office is in Adeje.
I leave you a private message with all my details.
Kind regards,
Laura Allsop
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