Adeje forum
Buy and sell items in Adeje
Advertise here for free any unwanted/secondhand items that you would like to sell or buy in Adeje. For example: Household items/Bicycles/Garden furniture etc. Please include prices and photos, if possible.
Properties in the Adeje area
For sale: Land - €55,000
1100 square metres land with part built house and garage with water tank for grey water for land lot...
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Friend group
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Recommended Tradesmen and Companies in Adeje
Find out which tradesman and companies people in Adeje are recommending. Find recommended builders, electricians, plumbers, carpenters and more in Adeje.

Can anyone recommend: Plumber
3 replies 2 helpful posts

Can anyone recommend: Car mechanic
2 replies
Coronavirus discussion in Adeje: Covid-19 news and updates
Discuss Coronavirus in Adeje

travel to tenerife from the uk
2 replies
Lost and found in Adeje
Have you lost or found an item in Adeje? Maybe you have lost a phone or passport? Talk to people in Adeje to see if we can help!
Adeje Forum statistics
Members in Adeje: 438
All members in Tenerife: 2,821
Topics in Adeje: 251
All topics in Tenerife: 1,343
Posts in Adeje: 413
All posts in Tenerife: 2,075
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